Denmark: Closure of Its Embassies in Mali and Burkina Faso

Denmark has announced the closure of its embassies in Mali and Burkina Faso, and the opening of new embassies in Senegal, Rwanda, and Tunisia. This decision was communicated by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday.

According to a statement from Danish diplomacy, « the military coups that have severely limited operational possibilities in the Sahel region have led to the closure of the embassies in Burkina Faso and Mali. » The military regimes in Mali and Burkina Faso, as well as Niger, have severed ties with France, the former colonial power, to move closer to Russia.

This decision comes amid a deteriorating relationship between Mali and European countries, recently marked by the expulsion of the Swedish ambassador in Bamako, with Sweden expected to close its embassy by the end of the year.

Denmark also plans to bolster the staff and resources at its embassies in Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana, with the addition of ten personnel by 2026. 

Denmark will also appoint a special representative for the Great Lakes region and the Sahel. According to Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, « our ambition is to be present where it makes sense, where we see potential, and where we have clear Danish interests. »

He also plans to allocate more than one billion kroner (134 million euros) to bilateral water projects, with a budget of 425 million kroner for 2025. Additionally, Denmark will focus on migration, security, and cultural exchanges.