Algeria: Will Abdelmadjid Tebboune replace president Abdelmadjid Tebboune on september 7th?

It’s official. The President Abdelmadjid Tebboune announced on Thursday his candidacy for the upcoming early presidential election on September 7th. Will Abdelmadjid Tebboune be « crowned » president, succeeding himself in a transition masterminded by General Saïd Chengriha?

Abdelmadjid Tebboune is hailed as the long-awaited savior of Algeria. His supporters highlight his « pragmatism » and « experience, » elegant terms implying his adept navigation of Algerian politics without fundamentally altering the status quo.

According to experts, Tebboune promises a « new dynamic, » although whispers suggest it may merely be a refined version of the same old dynamic.

Analysts view General Saïd Chengriha, a steadfast pillar of the Algerian military, as the true architect of this election. His support for Tebboune is deemed « crucial » for ensuring continuity. Essentially, the general ensures that little changes while giving the illusion of change. His influence prompts speculation whether the re-elected president will truly be elected.

The relationship between the president and the military leader will be closely watched, not for potential successes but for the delicate balances it must constantly maintain. Some experts caution against the risk of excessive militarization of power, while keeping an eye on political maneuvering.

The new Tebboune will inherit a daunting list of challenges: corruption, a struggling economy, and ongoing human rights violations.

Experts agree that navigating this turbulent sea will require more than a handful of promises. Yet, official optimism persists with talk of « bold » reforms and promises of « transparent » governance.

Behind the scenes, many believe old habits die hard. If managed with usual finesse, Algeria might witness apparent « changes, » more illusionary than substantial.

Ultimately, the new leadership’s ability to meet Algerian expectations remains the pivotal question, for which the answer seems already predetermined.