Sahel: Togo seeks to join the Sahel States Alliance

Togo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Dussey, announced his country’s intention to join the Sahel States Alliance (AES), an organization currently made up of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. This statement was made on his official Facebook account.

In his remarks, Mr. Dussey emphasized that this strategic move could strengthen regional cooperation while providing direct access to the sea for the member countries. He also stated that this initiative marks a turning point in African policy, although he did not provide details on the official steps that need to be taken to actualize this intention.

As of now, AES members have not responded to this announcement. It is important to note that Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé had been appointed by the West African States Economic Community (ECOWAS) summit to serve as a mediator between AES and ECOWAS.

ECOWAS, which is made up of 15 states, including Togo, was recently reduced to 12 members after Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger withdrew on January 28, following sanctions imposed after their respective coups.

These three countries, which overthrew their elected presidents and established extended transitions, accuse ECOWAS of defending the interests of former colonial powers rather than serving the needs of their populations.

Togo’s membership in AES could thus offer these landlocked nations access to the Atlantic Ocean, effectively breaking the blockade that has been imposed on them, as previously explained by Minister Robert Dussey.